| Yicho: A Combinator Library for Program Transformation | Contents | Index |
Yicho.Expressions | Portability | portable | Stability | experimental | Maintainer | yokoyama@ipl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp |
Description |
This module provides the functions to manipulate the expressions of type
Synopsis |
pat2names :: Pat -> [Name] |
Return free variables in Pat
Eta reduction
lamexpmatch :: Pat -> Exp -> Maybe [(Name, Exp)] |
pat2exp :: Pat -> Exp |
Converting Pat to Exp
exp2pat :: Exp -> Pat |
patfield2exp :: FieldPat -> FieldExp |
data CL |
| Constructors | CL | | expC :: Exp | expression
| boundsC :: [Name] | names of bound variables
| frozensC :: [Name] | names of frozen variables
| Instances | |
flexC :: CL -> Bool |
rigidC :: CL -> Bool |
isFreeC :: CL -> Bool |
unboundlocalsC :: CL -> [Name] |
freevarsC :: CL -> [Name] |
flex :: Exp -> [Name] -> Bool |
Whether the given expression is flexible
headargs :: Exp -> (Exp, [Exp]) |
Split an expression into the head and its arguments
subexps :: Exp -> [Exp] |
eqBox :: (Exp, [Name]) -> (Exp, [Name]) -> [Name] -> Bool |
secondOrder :: Exp -> Bool |
we regard types of constans as small as possible.
for example, [| foldr (+) [] |] is second-order.
flat :: [Name] -> Exp -> Bool |
linear :: [Name] -> Exp -> Bool |
The domain should be flat, scond pattern
simplifyLam :: Exp -> Exp |
get rid of LamE []
outmostlocalvars :: Exp -> [Name] |
getBody :: Exp -> Exp |
splitTup :: Exp -> ([Exp], [Name] -> Pat) |
isLambda :: Exp -> Bool |
lambdaBody :: Exp -> Exp |
appearsin :: Exp -> Bool |
check whether outmost formal parameters are appeared in the body of the lambda abstraction
isGlobalN :: Name -> Bool |
isLocal :: Name -> Bool |
isBoundLocal :: Name -> [Name] -> Bool |
isUnboundLocal :: Name -> [Name] -> Bool |
isOperator :: Exp -> Bool |
mkOperator :: Exp -> Exp |
unboundlocals :: Exp -> [Name] |
freevars :: Exp -> [Name] |
freevarsDec :: Dec -> [Name] |
freevarsClause :: Clause -> [Name] |
freevarsBody :: Body -> [Name] |
decname :: Dec -> [Name] |
constrname :: Dec -> [Name] |
Pretty Printing
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