| Yicho: A Combinator Library for Program Transformation | Contents | Index |
Yicho.ExpY | Portability | portable | Stability | experimental | Maintainer | yokoyama@ipl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp |
Description |
This module provides the functions to manipulate the expressions of type
Synopsis |
Documentation |
type HM e = ErrorT String Q e |
type Y e = StateT ((String, Q [Dec]), Subst) (ErrorT String Q) e |
Y monad
type ExpY = Y ExpQ |
an expression with the environment and failuire manipulation
type RuleY = ExpQ -> ExpY |
runY :: Y (Q e) -> Q e |
ExpY -> ExpQ : the inverse of liftY
liftY :: Q a -> Y a |
ExpQ -> ExpY : the inverse of runY
Manipulating the environment
getSubstY :: Y Subst |
getDecY :: Y (String, Q [Dec]) |
putDecY :: (String, Q [Dec]) -> Y () |
name supply
genNames :: Int -> HM [Name] |
genvar :: String -> Q ExpQ |
pvar :: String -> Y ExpQ |
Generating a pattern variable
The following code changes the names each time it is called.
pvar = return . join . genvar . ($:)
pvars :: [String] -> Y [ExpQ] |
Generating pattern variables
Produced by Haddock version 0.6 |