Tokyo Programming Seminar (ToPS) is the successor of Tokyo CACA seminar.
The goal of this seminar series is to study programming in general, especially (but not restricted to) program calculational techniques on functional programming languages and its applications on informatics. Everyone is welcome to attend.
The normal time for the seminar is mostly some Tuesday Afternoon each month, from 15:00 until 17:00 (or later), but the time is subject to change; please check at the upcoming seminar page. To save trip time of participants, we sometimes have two or more talks at each seminar. The atmosphere of the seminar is very informal. The language of the seminar is (basically) English. (If the title and abstract of a coming talks are in Japanese, this suggests that the talk will be in Japanese.)
Those wishing to present recent work at the ToPS seminar or/and to join the ToPS mailing list (tops @ are kindly requested to contact Kazuyuki Asada (National Institute of Informatics ) or other organizers.