
Code query is useful for programmers to understand and maintain source code base. In this work, we develop a code query language Bi-CQ. Unlike the existing code query languages, Bi-CQ is bidirectional, meaning that a Bi-CQ can be executed in two dicretions: making quires in forward direcion, and updating the source code in backward direction.


Bi-CQ is implmented in Java with the Eclipse JDT. Please Bi-CQ interpreter here.

The command of using Bi-CQ interpreter is:

1) Query: java -jar bicq.jar query.xml 0

2) Update: java -jar bicq.jar query.xml 1 update.xml


Three examples are provided here:

1) the first example: query, source code and update

2) the second example: query, source code and update

3) the third example: query, source code and update

Some examples need this library.