Topics - Submission - Dates - Program Committee - Sponsors
Invited Speakers - Program - Registration and Local Information

FLOPS 2002

Sixth International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming

(Co-Located with ACM SIGPLAN ASIA-PEPM 2002)

University of Aizu, Aizu, Japan

September 15-17, 2002

Please consider your submissions to FLOPS 2004, Nara, April 7-9, 2004.


The symposium is a forum for research on all issues concerning functional programming and logic programming. In particular, it wants to stimulate the cross-fertilization as well as integration of the two paradigms. The symposium takes place about every 1.5 years in Japan. Previous FLOPS meetings were held in Fuji Susuno (1995), Shonan Village (1996), Kyoto (1998), Tsukuba (1999), and Tokyo (2001).


The Sixth International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming (FLOPS 2002) solicits original papers in all areas of functional and logic programming, including (but not limited to):

Invited Speakers

Kokichi Futatsugi JAIST, Japan
Peter Stuckey University of Melbourne, Australia
Philip Wadler Avaya Labs, USA

Paper Submission

Submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Submissions should fall into one of the following two categories: All submissions must be written in English. Regular research papers can be up to 15 proceedings pages long, system descriptions will be up to 4 pages long. Authors are strongly encouraged to use LaTeX2e and the Springer llncs class file.

The title page should indicate the submission category. Regular research papers should be supported by proofs and/or experimental results. In case of lack of space, this supporting information should be made accesible otherwise (e.g. a link to a web page, or an appendix).

Submission is Web-based. In order to submit a paper, authors should fill in the submission form available at

where more detailed instructions are given. If submission through the web is not possible, five hard copies may be sent to

       Mario Rodriguez-Artalejo
       Universidad Complutense de Madrid
       Departamento de Sistemas Informaticos y Programacion
       Edificio Fac. Matematicas
       Av. Complutense s/n
       28040 Madrid, Spain

Publication and Presentation of Accepted Contributions

The Proceedings of FLOPS 2002 will be published by Springer Verlag in the LNCS series. They will be available at the conference. One author of each accepted contribution is expected to attend the Symposium in order to present it. Presentations of regular research papers will be scheduled for 30 minutes, including questions from the audience. System presentations will be scheduled for 15 minutes.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: March 17, 2002 <-- EXTENDED!!!
Notification: May 21, 2002
Final Version: June 25, 2002
Symposium: September 15-17, 2002

Program Co-Chairs

Zhenjiang Hu University of Tokyo, Japan
Mario Rodriguez-Artalejo Complutense University, Madrid, Spain


Program Committee

Maria Alpuente Technical University of Valencia, Spain
Wei-Ngan Chin National University of Singapore, Singapore
Pierre Deransart INRIA-Rocquencourt, France
Moreno Falaschi University of Udine, Italy
Michael Hanus University of Kiel, Germany
Zhenjiang Hu (Co-Chair) University of Tokyo, Japan
Jan Maluszynski Linkoping University, Sweden
Aart Middeldorp University of Tsukuba, Japan
Gopalan Nadathur University of Minnesota, USA
Susumu Nishimura Kyoto University, Japan
Catuscia Palamidessi Pennsylvania State University, USA
Mario Rodriguez-Artalejo (Co-Chair) Complutense University, Madrid, Spain
Francesca Rossi University of Padova, Italy
Harald Sondergaard The University of Melbourne, Australia
Kwangkeun Yi KAIST, Korea
Kazunori Ueda Waseda University, Japan

Local Arrangements Chair

Taro Suzuki University of Aizu, Japan


Sponsored by: Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (JSSST)
University of Aizu
In cooperation with: Association for Logic Programming (ALP).

Last Update: May 24, 2002